Thursday 4 April 2013

Changing World

Librarian's have a duty to increase their awareness in as many areas as possible, so that they can stimulate the thought processes of visitors to their library. They should also be humble enough to be open-minded in such a way that they can learn from others - including their pupils.

That is one of the reasons why I found Jason's talk so excellent. He made us aware of how precarious the position of MOTHER EARTH is, how her very survival - and therefore ours - is seriously threatened. Though the picture he presented was very bleak indeed, he also showed how there are natural solutions that we can use to change the scary situation we find ourselves living in.

One extra-ordinary thing he taught us was about the value of FLIES in solving many of our problems. Yes! The common FLY has an important place in the scheme of things. It lays its eggs and the larvae which hatch secrete an antibiotic which can be utilised. Jason referred to Napoleon's troops in his discovery of this interesting fact. His generals could not understand why the wounded soldiers that had had their wounds exposed to flies seemed to recover faster than those who had their wounds cleaned straight away.

He also explained how "FLY FARMS" can be used to replace fish meal as a food source for chickens etc.

It is so important to allow ourselves to be excited by discovery of new things. That is what keeps us delighted to be alive!

A library helps us to do this.

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1 comment:

  1. I think the greatest value of Jason Drew's talk is not so much what he does (or what his businesses do), but how he (they!) think(s) about it. We need a whole new generation of people replicating his work and creating similar multi-problem-solving sustainable businesses to save the planet. When people realise they can make money in a sustainable and problem-solving way, it will influence the way in which we run our global economy dramatically. We must just bust corporate thinking when it stupidly destroys our world. Jason shows the way!
